Monday, 14 May 2007


Tories receive a resounding NO vote!

We are delighted to tell you that we have achieved great success in the Town and SKDC elections:

We have FIVE District Councillors - a gain of one seat:-

Dr. Sam I. Jalili - All Saints'
Harrish Bisnauthsing - St. John's
Chris Brough - St. John's
Maureen Jalili - St. John's
Joyce Gaffigan - St. George's

The representation at District level for Stamford is now made up of:
FIVE LibDems
Three Independents
One Conservative

This means that at least eight of Stamford's representatives at SKDC will vote positively on Stamford issues and will not blindly follow the Conservative Cabinet's instructions. We hold out great hopes that the one SKDC Conservative SKDC councillor now representing Stamford (Stamford Town Councillor Mike Exton represents the Deepings at SKDC) - will also work hard to make Stamford's voice heard. We trust that Cnllr Exton will do the same.

We have SEVEN Town Councillors - no change:-

Dr. Sam I. Jalili - All Saints'
Maureen Riley - All Saints'
John Binder - St. George's
Maureen Jalili - St. John's
Harrish Bisnauthsing - St. John's
Chris Brough - St. John's
Jane Peckett - St. Mary's

The Town Council is now made up of:
Six Conservatives
Seven Independents
One Labour

Stamford now has a balanced council which is not dominated by the Conservatives. This means that there will be a much more democratic governance for the town which will truly reflect the views and demands of Stamford People.

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Stamford Liberal Democrats - Local election results

The results from the local elections are now available on our main website in the Election Special section. You can download and view the results in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. Just click the links that you will find on that page.

The documents available provide the following information:-
  • Stamford - District (SKDC) and Town Election 2007 - Seats
  • Voting Results
  • Stamford Lib Dems: Our Story of Success
  • Comparison of Votes Between 2003 and 2007 District Election (Prepared by S I Jalili)