Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Albert Bridge Update

Repainting time table

Repainting scheduled from June 18th to August 26th 2007
We asked the Lincolnshire Highways Agency on your behalf to try to keep one half of the bridge open for pedestrians during this period. This will not, of course, be possible during periods of shot blasting because of obvious safety concerns.
They hope that the work will be finished earlier than projected but this will be dependent on weather conditions and any unforeseen events. The refurbishment work cannot be carried out during the winter months owing to possible temperature and humidity conditions which can adversely affect the properties of the paint when it is being applied to steel/iron structures
The bridge was last repainted in 1982, but this was not the refurbishment that is now sorely needed. The Highways authorities were most understanding and we are sure that they will carry out a superb job on this beautiful bridge.
Please bring it to our attention if you feel that things are not going to plan. email:

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